July 12, 2012

Human Knot Activity

Objective: Build communication skills, problem solving, and discuss the roles people play in a group.
Materials: None
Activity: Have the group form a tight circle.  Explain the activity and allow people to step out if they are not comfortable with it.  Have people put their right arm into the center of the circle, and hold hands with someone.  Then have people put their left arm in the circle and hold someone else's hand.  No one should hold both hands with the same person, or hold the hand of someone directly next to them in the cirlce.
Ask the group to untangle themselves, without letting go of hands.
How did you feel during this activity?  How were ideas expressed?  Is there anything you would do differently?  Who was the leader/ leaders?  Why?  How can we apply this to what we do every day?  What roles do we play when there is a problem?  Who do we seek for help? 

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