July 12, 2012

Interpersonal Communication Inventory

By: Millard J. Bienvenu Sr.
Read each of the following questions carefully in reference to people other than your family or relatives.  Please answer each question on a separate piece of paper with a YES (happens most of the time or usually), NO (happens seldom or never), or SOMETIMES (cannot answer yes or no-try to use this answer as little as possible).  If you cannot give the exact answer to a question, answer the best you can but be sure to answer each one.  There are no right or wrong answers.  Answer according to the way you feel at the presesnt time.  Honest answers are very necessary or the value of this form will be lost to you:
1.  Your words come out the way you would like them to in conversation.
2.  When you are asked a question that is not clear, you ask the person to expain what they mean.
3.  When you are trying to explain something, other people have a tendency to put words in your mouth.
4.  You assume the other person knows what you are trying to say without your expaining what you really mean.
5.  You ask the other person to tell you how they feel about the point you are trying to make. 
6.  It is difficult for you to talk with other people.
7.  In conversation, you talk about things which are of interest to both you and the other person.
8.  You find it difficult to express your ideas when they differ from those around you.
9.  In conversation, you try to put yourself in the other person's shoes.
10.  In conversation, you have a tendency to do more talking than the other person.
11.  You are aware of how your tone of voice may affect others.
12.  You refrain from saying something that you know will only hurt otheres or make matters worse.
13.  It is difficult to accept constructive criticism from others.
14.  When someone has hurt your feelings, you discuss this with them.
15.  You later apologize to someone whose feelings you may have hurt.
16.  It upsets you a great deal when someone disagrees with you.
17.  You find it difficult to think clearly when you are angry with someone.
18.  You fail to disagree with others because you are afraid they will get angry.
19.  When a problem arises between you and another person, you discuss it without getting angry.
20.  You are satisfied with the way you settle your  differences with others.
21.  You pout and sulk for a long time when someone upsets you.
22.  You become very uneasy when someone pays you a compliment.
23.  Generally, you are able to trust other people.
24.  You find it difficult to compliment and praise others.
25.  You deliberately try to conceal your faults from others.
26.  You help others to understand you by saying how you think, feel, and believe.
27.  It is difficult for you to confide in people.
28.  You have a tendency to change the subject when your feelings enter into a discussion.
29.  In conversation, you let the other person finish talking before reacting to what they say.
30.  You find yourself not paying attention while in conversation with others.
31.  You try to listen for meaning when someone is talking.
32.  Others seem to be listening when you are talking.
33.  In a discussion it is difficult for you to see things from the other person's point of view.
34.  You pretend you are listening to others when actually you are not.
35.  In conversation, you can tell the difference between what a person is saying and what they may be feeling.
36.  While speaking, you are aware of how others are reacting to what you are saying.
37.  You feel that other people wish you were a different kind of person.
38.  Other people understand your feelings.
39.  Others remark that you always seem to think you are right.
40.  You admit that you are wrong when you know that you are.

Score your answers using the following key.  The higher your number- the better communicator you must be!
Scoring Key:
1.  3-0-2
2.  3-0-2
3.  0-3-1
4.  0-3-1
5.  3-0-2
6.  0-3-1
7.  3-0-2
8.  0-3-1
9.  3-0-2
10.  0-3-1
11.  3-0-2
12.  3-0-2
13.  0-3-1
14.  3-0-2
15.  3-0-2
16.  0-3-1
17.  0-3-1
18.  0-3-1
19.  3-0-2
20.  3-0-2
21.  0-3-1
22. 0-3-1
23.  3-0-2
24.  0-3-1
25.  0-3-1
26.  3-0-2
27.  0-3-1
28.  0-3-1
29.  3-0-2
30.  0-3-1
31.  3-0-2
32.  3-0-2
33.  0-3-1
34.  0-3-1
35.  3-0-2
36.  3-0-2
37.  0-3-1
38.  3-0-2
39.  0-3-1
40.  3-0-2

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