July 12, 2012

Cross the line activity

Objective:  to help group members connect to others and see what they have in common.
Materials:  masking tape or tape measure or yarn, something to make a line on the floor.
Explain to the class that they are going to be asked some questions about themselves and if they choose not to respond to a question, they can reserve the right to stay where they stand.  Ask the group members to cross the line if they have any of the following things listed below, ask one at a time- you may include your own questions (see the warning below), give them time to think about it (if it is a question like-if you life to draw- you can ask a group member if they have something with them they would like to share or what types of things they like to draw).
Cross the line if you...
have a blue shirt (tell them to step back after they get a chance to see who stepped forward)? like summer more than winter? have ever been camping? like to draw? have brown eyes? have lived outside the country? have been nervous on the first day of school? have a birthday in May? tests freak you out? you are good at math? you like to read? you collect something? etc.
Did anyone's answer surprise you?  Did you learn something about yourself?  Remember to focus on the ways that we are similar to others- we all come from the same basic fabric of humanity.

Remember:  if you do this activity you must be careful not to ask for information that divulges things about their family, economic status, race, religion, etc.  This can be a fun activity, but if you think a question will make someone uncomfortable-don't ask it.

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