June 8, 2012

Who Am I?

Thinking About Your Roles in Life

Classroom Activity:  Before you set goals, some self-exploration may be neccessary.  Start by having the students list 15 roles and responsibilities they have in life.  These may be the many "hats" that they wear (sometimes having the hats in class to represent some examples helps them see all of the purposeful spots they fill in life).  These may be beliefs you hold, characterstics or traits that you have, talents, habits.  Things that would be sorely missed (in your identity and meaning of life) if they were not in your life. For example:  brother, student, son, grandson, friend, neighbor, church member, dogs best friend, etc. 
1.  Consider each of these Who Am- I's seperately.  How would you feel if that role or characteristic was gone?  What would you do?  What would your life be like?
2.  After reviewing each item this way, place the items in rank order by putting a number by each of the items.  Place a 1 by the item that is most essential to your sense of self, whose loss would require the greatest struggle and adjustment.  Put a 15 by the item which is least essential to your identity.  Remind the students that this is personal and their list will not look like anyone elses.
3.  Invite members of the group to share or compare their list.  Invite comments and questions.

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