June 8, 2012

How do we get along?

Communication Classroom Activity and Discussion

Research illustrates that young people who have difficulty developing relationships are more likely to participate in aggression, bullying, abuse drugs or suffer from depression.  Here is a lesson that encourages students to examine what it means to relate to others and to maintain productive relationships.

Step 1: Assessing how you relate to others.  Complete the survey below.  Write yes or no next to each question.  Answer scale is at the end of the lesson.

1.  Do you start conversations with others (text, email, call)?
2.  Do you respond when other people start conversations with you?
3.  Are you a member of a group or organization?
4.  Do you cry or laugh at things (movies, books, songs, etc.)?
5.  Do you say you're sorry when needed?
6.  Do you accept apologies from others?
7.  Do you share private thoughts with others?
8.  Do others share their private thoughts with you?
9.  Do you seek the advice or opinion of others?
10.  Do others come to you for advice or for your opinion?

Total #of Yes answers___________
Total # of No answers___________

8-10 YES answers- You relate well to others
5-7 YES answers- You are somewhat social
3-4 YES answers- You need to work on relating with others better
0-2 YES answers- You are in need of a complete relating makeover

Step 2:  Defining how you relate with others.  Answer the following questions in a complete sentence.
  • Is it easier to get along with people or to fight with them?
  • Can any positive effects come from not getting along with others?
Step 3: Reshaping how you relate with others.  Answer the following:
  • How can you improve your interaction with others?
  • List things that help build relationships.
  • List things that are harmful to relationships.

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