June 8, 2012


Thinking about what is meaningful...
Class discussion/ activity

 Definition of a eulogy: a speech or writing in praise of a person or thing, especially one recently dead (wikipedia.org). 

Start by explaining to the class that when you are looking toward the future, there IS going to be an end. It is how we have influenced others and our legacy that is left that is remembered in our eulogy.

You may need to read them an example of an obituary to give them some ideas (www.eulogyspeeches.net).

Have the class take a few minutes and write their own eulogy.  This is the eulogy that is given at the END of a full life (ex. 85 years old).  Who will give the eulogy?  What words will they use to describe you?  What did you accomplish?  Who did you leave behind?

If you have a class that is comfortable with each other, or you are running a group counseling session, have them share their eulogy.

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