June 8, 2012

Life Inventory

Classroom/ Group Activity
In this activity have the student generate as many answers to each questions as possible.  Tell them not to think about any of the questions too deeply.
  1. When do I feel fully alive? (events, activities, things, etc.  that really make you feel that it is great to be alive and be you)
  2. What do I do well? (what special gifts, attributes, talents, skills do I have to contribute to the lives of others? what skills have I mastered?)
  3. What wishes should I be turning into plans?  Any dreams I have discarded that I should start dreaming again?
  4. What should I start learning or doing now?
  5. What should I stop doing now?

If the class is comfortable doing so have them share some of their responses.   
What question was the easiest for them to answer? Why?
Was their an area of your life that you hadn't thought about for a long time that a question made you remember? 
What resources do they have to move forward in these areas?
Have them write a short term goal regarding their answer to questions four and five.

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