June 8, 2012

Finding Your Path

The Calf Path
By: Sam Walter Foss

Long ago, through the woods
A calf walked home as good calves should;
It made a trail all bent and skewed,
A crooked trail as all calves do.
Since them, two hundred years have fled,
and now, I guess the calf is dead.
But left behind his rambling trail,
Which leads us to this little tale.
The trail was taken up next day
By a lone dog that passed that way.
And soon an old bellwether sheep
Led his flock, most half asleep;
Following the steps of that first calf
Through those old woods they made a path,
And then the town folks found the route
And walked it, winking in and out.
They always muttered words of wrath,
Like, "curse this crazy, crooked path!"
But still they followed--do not laugh--
The trail left by that early calf;
A winding, crooked path they stalked,
Because the ccalf wobbled when he walked.
This forest path became a lane
That bent and turned and turned again;
This crooked lane became a road
Where many a poor horse, with this load,
Toiled beneath the burning sun
And walked three miles just to travel one.
The years flew by and in a beat
The road became a village street.
Then, before they were aware,
A city's crowded thoroughfare.
Where millions take their daily ride
On super highways six lanes wide!
They zig and zag, where the little calf did
and brake and serve and slip and skid.
and on they go, but not content,
The traffic of the continent.
And thought they still could cut in half
The path once taken by that calf.
They choose instead, to follow-not find--
Holding to the calf path of the mind.
today folks still trudge through the snow
Just like that horse from long ago.
and like that horse they wear their blinders,
For they are followers not finders.
Now you may say they're quite insane
For sticking to that wandering lane.
But ask yourself, if you will dare,
Do I ever challenge what's already there?
Do I go forth and seek to change,
To chart a new course or rearrange?
DO I lead or an I led
By one calf now two centuries dead?
But from them we must learn to do
The things we can to change our view.
For we can gain from their mistake--
And choose with care the road we take.

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