July 12, 2012

Who is the leader? Activity

Objective: build observation skills and open a discussion about leadership.
Materials: None
Ask the group to form a circle.  Ask one volunteer to leave the room.  Have the group choose a "leader".  Explain that whatever the leader does (such as clapping, dancing, jumping, touching their nose, scratching their head, etc.) the group will do it also.  The volunteer in invited back into the room and is asked to identify who the leader is.  When the volunteer guesses correctly, the person who was leader leaves the room and a new leader is chosen, and the game continues.
How did the volunteer know who the leader is?  What were they looking for when they came in the class?  How do you know who your leaders are in the halls, in the classroom, at home?  What does it mean to be a leader at school?  Can anyone be a leader?

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