July 12, 2012

Communication Styles

These people are poor communicators.
Words- agrees (Whatever you want is okay. I am just here to make you happy.)
Insides- "I feel like a nothing: without someone I am worthless."
The Placater always talks in an apologetic way, never disagreeing, no matter what.  This is the "yes man".  This person always needs someone to approve of him.

Words- disagree (You never do anything right.  What is the matter with you?)
Insides- "I am lonely and unsuccessful."
The blamer is a fault-finder, dictator, and a boss.  They act superior to others and seem to be saying: "If it weren't for you everything would be alright."  The voice is hard, tight, and often shrill and loud.

Words- ultra-reasonable (Observes others closely)
Insides- "I feel vulnerable."
Very correct, reasonable, with no semblance of any feeling showing.  They are calm, cool, collected.  The voice is often monotone.

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