July 12, 2012

Clarifying Phrases

These phrases will help you better understand someone.  It can also lead you into helping someone change their behavior.
Could it be that...
I wonder if...
I'm not sure if I'm with you, but...
Would you buy this idea....
What I guess I'm hearing is....
Correct me if I'm wrong, but.....
Is it possible that...
Does it sound reasonable that you...
Could this be what's going on, you....
From where I stand, you.....
This is what I think I hear you saying....
You appear to be feeling...
It appears you...
Perhaps you're feeling...
It appears you....
Perhaps you're feeling....
I somehow sense that maybe you feel...
Is there any chance that you...
Maybe you feel.....
Let me see if I understand: you.....
Let me see if I am with you: you.....

1 comment:

  1. We were given two ears and one mouth for a reason. We should be listening infinitely more than we are talking.
