June 27, 2012


When you get a large project be sure to break it down into smaller pieces. 
List all of the things you need to do for the assignment and then list them according to their importance. 
Figure out how many days you have until it is due. 
Then write down which piece of the assignment you are going to do on each day.

For example:
7 days until the two page research paper on Africa is due
Day 1- Go to the library and search internet sites for information
Day 2- Find a book at the school library for more information
Day 3- Start typing the first draft of the assignment
Day 4- Have mom proofread assignment
Day 5- Fix any of the errors mom found and proofread it myself
Day 6- Ask the teacher any final questions I have on the assignment
Day 7- Turn it in

Procrastination is bad for your health.  It can lead to stress, frustration, anger, anxiety, and ultimately poor communication.  Don't do it!!!

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