June 8, 2012

Negative Thoughts

A Self-Assessment

Thoughts That Weigh Me Down

Rate all those that fit what you have thought.
1- one to two times a year
2- Every couple of months
3- Every month
4- every couple of weeks

__It doesn't pay to get close to anyone, because that person will get hurt too.
__I don't care about anything anymore.
__I'll scare all of my friends away if I don't stop crying or thinking about this all of the time.
__It's not right for me to have fun now.
__I can't let anyone know how I really reacted when it happened.  I'm ashamed.  I'll be made fun of or called stupid.
__I can't do anything right anymore.
__I feel like I'm going crazy.
__I have to take care of myself.  No one else will.
__I should be over this by now.  There is something wrong with me.
__It's best I keep it all to myself.
__There's no point in trying anymore.
__There is nothing else I can do.

Add up your ratings.  How high was your score?  How do you feel about it?  Set a goal to lower that number by increasing the positive thoughts about yourself and your life.

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