June 8, 2012

Dating Violence Prevention

Red Flags for Dating Violence:
Jealousy and possessiveness, isolates from others, checking up on partner, hypersensitive, history of violence, pressures for intimacy, abuses drugs or alchohol, threats of violence or suicide, blames others for actions, uses force in an argument, others warn you about them.

Dating Rights:
I have the right to: be treated with respect, my own body and property, my own opinions and to express them, have my needs be as important as my partner's, not take responsibility for my partner's behavior, keep my friends, grow as an individual, change my mind, determine how much time I want to spend with my partner, pay my own way, assert myself, not be abused physically, psychologically, or sexually, break-up, fall out of love, or leave any relationship.
Safe Harbor Crisis Line: 1-888-241-1100

Victims of Dating Violence:
You need to know that the abuse is not your fault.
You do not deserve to be abused.
You cannot change someone who is abusive.
Staying in the relationship won't stop the abuse.
Over time, the abuse will get worse.
Make a safety plan & use it before the abuse happens again.

Forms of Abuse:
Physical: actions which cause physical pain or injury such as kicking, pushing, or punching.
Emotional: actions which cause loss of self-esteem and create fear such as name calling, swearing, criticizing, and isolation or threats.
Sexual: acts of a sexual nature that are illegal, unwelcome, or uncomfortable.

Safe Harbor- Davis Citizens Coalition Against Violence
Information taken from Attorney General's Safe at Home Program


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