June 27, 2012

Body Language for Students

Objective:  Most students don't realize that raising their hands means more than "I want my turn to speak."  Students will understand that raising your hand and looking at the teacher, sitting up straight in their desk means "I care about this class, and I care about my education."

1.  Review with the students what body language is (our actions or behaviors that communicate a message).
2.  Have the students write down all the body language signals that a "good student" portrays in class.  Have them rate these behaviors on a scale of 1 to 10 in importance. 
3.  Ask them to reflect on their own behaviors in class. 
4.  QUESTIONS FOR THOUGHT: How do they behave when they walk in a class?  How do they sit when the teacher is speaking?  What are the unspoken messages they are sending?  Do they look people in the eyes?  Do they hold their head high?

How can good body language help a student get better grades? 

Human beings are always reading each other, whether we know it or not.   

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